The world is spending a trillion dollars on military. If there is an alien invasion, a fake alien invasion can make the world waste tens of trillions.
Electric universe supporters are clever and difficult to make fool of. They won't just say, omg superfast aerial vehicles? Must be from Andromeda. No, they will just point out to van de graaff / John G Trump and classified electromagnetic propulsion.
Chan Thomas said UFO phenomena happens because of angels. Well Chan Thomas is wrong. UFOs are van de graaff generators.
Angels are like fourth dimension beings. In a way, if mass moves through time dimension it is like a fourth dimension thing. And energy is what causes mass to move. So energy is fourth dimensional. And in the wire energy creates a vertigo. A helix. Energy is a cross product of magnetic and electric fields so energy travels on the surface of the wire, like a helix.
To be fair to Chan Thomas, he was talking about lighting phenomena like hessladen lights and the auroras in arctic etc.
On a tangent, we need to talk to morphic resonance.
Rupert Sheldrake shows evidence about biochemical crystals being more difficult to melt, the melting point and boiling points go higher the more we use it in the industry or to produce drugs.
Sheldrake also challenged skeptics like Steven Russel rose and Sheldrake was proven right. However skeptics still tried to say hey there can be another explanation, the laboratory was faulty etc.
Sheldrake uses things easy to experiment with. Dogs knowing when their owners returning or the sense of being stared at or newly synthesized chemicals' melting points.
Electric theorists need things easy to experiment with. Gareth Samuel from thunderbolt project is a velikvosky Halton Arp fan.
He listed several scientists who figured out transmutation of elements in plants and animals. In some cases, the mass of the plant can even increase by 0.5gram.
Here Gareth talks about transmutation of metals in animals. Many animals eat almost no calcium but yet their eggs or offsprings have a lot of calcium and even a tiny amount of magnesium.
The transmutation happens because of momentum control. There is a model called structured atom model Sam by kaal otte- Sorensen.
This model is a better version of the periodic table. The periodic table is focused on numbers and this Sam is focused on geometry and gemmatria.
Or more correctly, E2=m2c4+p2c2
On some cases the momentum calculation has to become the derivative of momentum.
In the atom, the elements are spinning, rotating across big carbon molecules. This helps the potassium and sodium in the food of the chickens or plants to transmute, in order to become calcium or other metals.
And this is connected with a variant of van de graaff generator that can fly aerial vehicles without any visible propulsion system. The engines are controlling momentum.
There is a reason why energy shortages are distractions. You want to produce energy? Vibrate two tuning forks. If the tuning forks are diamagnetic or paramagnetic then they create an electric field. Just like Tesla spinning a copper plate with respect to a coil.
Human genome 2 is one of the largest of genes. This genome is very/the most important gene in DNA. There are speculations about how it got there because fusing 2 old genes into this gene naturally is impossible. So fringe theorists claim aliens or anunaki or god put it there.
However is it possible this fusing happened because of an electric catastrophe?
Note that casual people, or people who don't know quantum mechanics forget that momentum is not about mass. You can have momentum with zero mass.
Momentum is based on magnetic field not mass.