posted ago by defenderOfMontrocity ago by defenderOfMontrocity +17 / -2

These days, people don't get distracted by celebrity news and 'breaking' news anymore. So conspiracy theories are there to distract you from piezo electric universe. Don't get distracted by twitter files. Focus on even more important issue like piezo-electric universe and interferometry.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the old equator of the earth was Giza->Nazca->Easter-> Angkor Wat. The 'old north pole' was Yakutat Glacier.Some sites are antipodes of each other.(diametrically opposed) You can even find golden ratio in here. 90x1.617= 145.5. 180x.617= 111.1. 45x 1.617=72.8

According to Soviet military, longitudinal waves have a shadow zone of 105-149 degrees. This kinda correlates with the angles between different sites. Giza has an angle of 108 with Machu Picchu, 111 with Nazca Lines, 146 with Easter Island. This means if you fire longitudinal waves from Giza pyramids, it will barely reach Machu Picchu, and maybe even Easter Island, but it will never reach the ocean in between these 2 sites. That's the shadow zone. There is a connection between geometry, abstract patterns, golden ratio with the structure of the earth. Why do you think Nikola Tesla, the greatest engineer ever lived, was obsessed with geometry, gemmatria, pyramids after he built an earthquake machine?

Chan Thomas said the structure of the earth is like an atom and this causes a tilt of the poles, and causes catastrophes. Well, there are blobs, Ultra Low Velocity Zones inside the earth. These ULVZs are recently discovered. These are 2 thousand km under the surface, in the inner mantle. However these ULVZ correlates with the positions of Atlantis and Mu. Atlantis was in Azores or Richat Structure. Zealandia is under New Zealand and New Calidonia. Mu or Lemuria was Hawai or French Polynesia. One ULVZ is under western Africa. Another ULVZ starts from Tonga, goes east towards French Polynesia and Kiribati. So piezoelectric power plants created these ULVZ and in the end caused catastrophic events? Note that Chan Thomas was the one who talked about outer core having problems with inner mantle, sixty years ago. Before anybody ever knew about these ULVZs. Hell people didn't even know about the seismic properties of the earth at that time.

Create longitudes of the old system. Draw lines from Yakutat Glacier. 1 'old' longitude to Angkor Wat, three others to Gunung Padang, Mexico City and Machu Picchu. You will find lots of earthquakes in these 'old' longitudes. The funny thing is, one earthquake in a latitude of this 'old' system, may cause another earthquake in another place with the same latitude. Earthquake in Japan? Well if you follow the old coordinates, then Japan is in the same latitude of California.
