Systemically opressed, poor and uneducated people rape and rob at higher rates irrespective of skin color.
The things you say simply aren't true. I've lived and travelled all over the world. I've been the only white person people have ever seen. Go get some actual life experience before drawing blanket conclusions on 10-25+% of the earth's population depending on your definition of 'black.'
The culture of an individual neighborhood has way more impact on someone than any genetics.
No, the elites pit poor whites and poor blacks against each other so that no one attacks the elites.
Look at what you said, "jews use X against whites."
Even in your own narrative, whatever X is isn't the problem, it's the jews weaponizing anything against you that is. Have some sense.
Systemically opressed, poor and uneducated people rape and rob at higher rates irrespective of skin color.
The things you say simply aren't true. I've lived and travelled all over the world. I've been the only white person people have ever seen. Go get some actual life experience before drawing blanket conclusions on 10-25+% of the earth's population depending on your definition of 'black.'
The culture of an individual neighborhood has way more impact on someone than any genetics.
Grab a history book and study current politics. Everything I said is true.
You're either jewish or a retarded nigger that happens to be white.
Everything you say and do is playing right into the hands of the people you claim to hate.
Glow harder faggot.
You're telling people to focus on the bullets and not the people firing the gun, not the people hiring the people to fire the gun at you.
Even if the entire world listened to you, you still wouldn't solve anything.
You've been hoodwinked and sent yourself on a fool's errand, or you're shilling.