"51. With my Hawk's head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross." - https://genius.com/Aleister-crowley-the-book-of-the-law-chapter-3-heru-annotated // From Aleister Crowley (a known satanist)
I wonder how many of you know who really Jesus was... Even if you don't want to read the bible (I get it, it's quite long and sometimes very complex to understand), you can notice the changes that occurred during the Roman Empire. You don't sacrifice an animal annually for the "gods", do you? Well, you have Jesus to thank for that.
Did you know that being a gentleman wasn't even a thing before Christianity? Women were treated as cattle. Some countries still treat them like that and you can review how Christian they really are.
I know you are skeptical about Christianity, so I won't even bring up the bible in this discussion. Just rational thinking. Answer this ration question - would you hate a group of people that would die for high moral values? Because Christians were killed as entertainment during the Roman Empire. They later understood that you can't break the spirit of Christians, so they infiltrated it with the Catholic church. (If you need more info on that, research how many years after Jesus was the Roman church created and how).
You can call me whatever you want and the bible is teaching me to forgive you... Isn't that interesting? Today's psychology can prove that "turning the other cheek" is disarming the attacker in most cases. Giving the attacker the freedom to attack is not what they had in mind, thus it will restart their motivation to attack. Interesting how this was known 2000 years ago. Wouldn't that at least peak your interest to what other psychological truths the bible contains?
Alright, let's show the other side as a comparison. We know of secret societies as Templars, Illuminati, Jesuits, Rosicrucians, Masons, Hassassins, etc. Why would groups of angry, greedy people would combine their forces for a plan for a world domination if they don't even live to see it through? Think about it.
And look into yourself. You have moral standards. Don't you hate these satanists because of the injustice they create? Do you share your post or comment because you are trying to preserve the moral standards that you believe in? Aren't you the very answer to the injustice of those evil groups? Even without the bible, you can listen to your inner impulses and decide for yourself what is good and what is not.
Just give the bible an honest shot. Just give yourself an honest shot at prayer. Is the God in the bible asking from you to kill yourself or something like that? Or is he asking from you to care for those around you? You care. You want to share the truth and help someone from this nightmare that the world has become. Then just ask the God of truth to aid you. It's literally that simple.
If you had the key that opens the door the salvation, would you keep it to yourself or share it with others? Everything comes down to this. Would you help someone or make them suffer? There is a god that the satanists worship and it creates a world of nightmares. Could there be a God of truth that will help you when everything seems lost? There is, if you look for him.
And one last thing. I know I shouldn't quote the bible as I said that I will not in this discussion. But let someone find a reasonable explanation for this: "And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name. Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.…" - https://biblehub.com/revelation/13-17.htm
Why would the satanists expose their plan in the bible?
Do you think Sweden will be so opened for chipping if they read the bible? Do you think people will follow Elon if they read the bible? Do you think we would be in this situation if everyone read the bible?
Even Jesus allowed to be questioned. Yet, his works survive even to this day. As if he knew it...
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205:16&version=KJV
I went to church last Sunday and the old Christians in my church grovel to the jew. I mean serious groveling. "Muh chosens peoples"
It's a turn off to me seeing that Jews are possessed by a heavy spirit of evil these days.
Also, the pacifism of Christianity bothers me. I want a GOD that commands me to battle these demon possessed satanists. Instead the bible tells me to turn the cheek and pray for my enemies? The instinct in me makes me want to slaughter anyone attempting to harm my children. It's survival instinct. It almost feels like an enemy tricked Christians into passively lining up for the slaughterhouse.
Jews should not be in power over institutions in a Christian nation. Christians need to be in leadership positions over our own banks, schools, corporations, news, media, etc.
It's bizarre. Jesus prophesied what would happen to Jerusalem, it freaking happened, and it was the total opposite of what should happen to a hypothetical divinely chosen ethnic group.
I don't even believe Jesus Christ considered Himself one of (((them))). In John Chapter 8 Jesus Christ is speaking to the (((Pharisees))). He doesn't mince words. He tells them they are of their father Satan and that (((they))) are going to hell. (((They))) pick up stones by the end of the chapter to murder Jesus with, and the bible tells us that Jesus slips away.
I'm not even certain Jesus Christ is Jewish. What makes Him Jewish? His lineage? Where He was born or where His parents were from?
A plausible theory. One I do consider.
But the jews of the new testament, the pharisees, seem so much like the modern jew. Exchange money in the temple, arguing all the fucking time, screeding to pontius pilate, releasing murderers like Barabbas (or pedos like the modern thugs who attacked Kyle) to crucify good people like Jesus Christ or a poor kid like a modern Kyle Rittenhouse.
Jews selling one another out for shekels, such as Judas. Being ugly and bow legged and big nosed like Jew Paul.