Then what's the point of rolling it out? Like the one thing I can't comprehend is that these morons don't realize the most basic way to help with population control is to go skin deep and control the way food production is done. Basically speaking, we make and waste to much excess food, and yet we still have starvation issues, which makes absolutely no sense. If the average yearly food wasted amounts to about 108 billion pounds or 130 billion meals or 408 BILLION dollars then we could conclude that in theory let's say we have the average 3 meals a day. So that's 63.3 Billion Meals and then we divide that by the year feeds about 173,424,657 people. With the American population being about 331 mil, the amount of food wasted would nearly feed about half the population and yet we just throw it away.
This is the true problem with society, that the Capitalistic mindset treats resources as an infinite resource, with no care of wasting those resources as long as the amount being wasted provides more profit.
They would rather make 150k and waste 25k in product rather than make 100k and waste 0k in product even though in the long run, if they actually wasted no resources they would be making more money, but they only look at the bigger number and ignore the longer term ramifications of wasting resources.
Then what's the point of rolling it out? Like the one thing I can't comprehend is that these morons don't realize the most basic way to help with population control is to go skin deep and control the way food production is done. Basically speaking, we make and waste to much excess food, and yet we still have starvation issues, which makes absolutely no sense. If the average yearly food wasted amounts to about 108 billion pounds or 130 billion meals or 408 BILLION dollars then we could conclude that in theory let's say we have the average 3 meals a day. So that's 63.3 Billion Meals and then we divide that by the year feeds about 173,424,657 people. With the American population being about 331 mil, the amount of food wasted would nearly feed about half the population and yet we just throw it away.
This is the true problem with society, that the Capitalistic mindset treats resources as an infinite resource, with no care of wasting those resources as long as the amount being wasted provides more profit.
They would rather make 150k and waste 25k in product rather than make 100k and waste 0k in product even though in the long run, if they actually wasted no resources they would be making more money, but they only look at the bigger number and ignore the longer term ramifications of wasting resources.
We use resources other than food, and they are harder to ‘grow’