posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +7 / -2

Many aliens lived on Earth from before we humans, the youngest bunch, arrived.

Our world had 5 cataclysm with the fall of Atlantis being the most recent one. All of them causes by alien factions trying to dominate each other. Some of them are outright devil worshipers which is where they got their philosophy of selfishness, enslavement and domination. Lucifer, their leader, was also an alien.

After Atlantis, most aliens stayed out of sight living underground, underwater and even in the skies. Some hybrids walk among us undetected. Some can shapeshift using psychic powers and appear human. Most politicians are shapeshifting Reptilians.

The manmalian groups are the newest edition of personhood on Earth and happen to be the kindest and most connected to our heart. Always the new additions are more connected because new edition people are always of lighter bodies. The dense bodies like that of Reptiles create connection problems to the heart. This explains why we humans can’t understand why some of these groups do such evil things but they also have very good people among them too. No group is all good or all bad.

These groups that enslaved humanity to harvest adrenochrome and loosh from us were recently known as Black Nobility and later Illuminati. Adrenochrome is used to prevent death. They are very afraid of death because they believe in the law of “reap what you sow”. They know all the evil they committed will come back at them in a very bad way. Their wealth is able to delay some of the karma but if they die, there is no wealth to cause more delays. It all comes in and can take many lifetimes before it ends.

All these groups are having massive problems internally plus they bankrupted them world so there are only 2 options:

  1. Either Humans save the World through the way of Love (not fear or war).

  2. We will have our 6th worldwide cataclysm.

Humans have the ability to do small good deeds daily. Those small good deeds cause domino effects that heal the world. It is also important to use loving actions not just through deeds but also through thoughts and words. When the heart is left open, love travels from within into this World and heals it. As Jesus said, God is Love but God will not hinder our free will so if we want to open our heart to the world to heal it, then we can. If not, expect another cataclysm where 99% die.

The deep state wants to kill off 90% of humanity which is why so many things are poisoned. Chemtrails have nanobots in them and terraform the world. Negative groups want to come out from underground and enslave the surviving 10%. However, if humans step up and try to save the World in a loving way, then we will enter a massive 1000+ year era called the Golden Age where morals and quality of life will skyrocket nonstop.

Babylonian Money Magic is the main form of control but it is collapsing as it was based on fraud. The first thing to do is to expand trade to all goods and services including goods, silver or even washing dishes in exchange for a meal. Also expand family to include all worldwide to expand unity. Uniting with the world is the key. If there are immoral people, help them improve instead of disowning them because when they are disowned, the negative factions lure them in and enslave them making all our lives even worse.