Chessboard. Grand scale. How the international "fake flu" psyop works.
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I like that term fake binary. You see it throughout history as the thesis and antithesis to create the new norm. Christian vs atheist to create spiritualist. Axis vs allies created the rise of socialism and communism. Capitalism vs environment creates shit products and more environmental damage. Its like the concept if you take 20 people in a row looking at the same object they will have different ciews even the 2 in the middle. Everyone has their own subjective truth but some dont want you to have that truth and instead of just going your right of course (tolerance for idiots) they say your truth is wrong you we will force our truth on you. They do it through this over arching fake binary. One thing about this plandemic fake binary in the article is what are they going to do when the westerner people die and chinese die due to communism? West say more illegals and communist say glad we didn't have their iab?
Explains the connectionbetween harvard and wuhan.
See charles leiber, ModeRNA (harvard boston alums), Shimatsu on, pirbright...)
As the rest of the world “lives with Covid”, people in Chinese cities are still subject to dystopian levels of control and surveillance. Up to and including being welded inside their own homes.
Well, we can certainly rule out a few mainstream “explanations”:
We know it’s not because Covid is a real disease or uniquely dangerous in any way whatsoever. The data has spoken on that.
We know it’s not because lockdowns work to protect the health of the public or prevent disease outbreaks. The data has spoken on that too.
We know it’s not because the Chinese government holds the lives of their citizens as more precious than their Western counterparts.
And we know it’s not because they were the victim of some bio-engineered viral attack by the West. That idea was always absurd.
…so what’s the real explanation?
Well, there are really several answers to that, all of which come back to our old friend the fake binary.
If you accept that the Covid “pandemic” was in fact a global psy-op, carried out by most of the governments of the world working in concert at the behest of supra-national financial, corporate and political interests, then it de facto follows that any apparent differences in approach or attitude between those co-operating governments serve a role in the narrative.
In short, someone has to play “the bad guy”.
In this case, China’s brutal “zero-Covid” approach allows the Western governments to claim the “moderate” label simply by virtue of not being so cartoonishly “evil” as China.
Of course, this works in both directions.
“The West” can say to their citizens, “look how brutal China’s lockdown was, we would never go that far, because we care about your rights”.
Meanwhile, China can say “look how lax and disorganized the West’s Covid response was, we would never be that careless, because we care about your health”.
It is – and here’s that phrase again – a fake binary.
Each side serves as the good guy in their own narrative, and the bad guy in the other, and in that fashion they actually support each other whilst corralling each other’s dissidents into a controlled “alternative opinion”.
Yes, they are doing it with opinions online as well. They are getting groups to isolate online amongst their ideologues and then reinforce their own communities allowing for them to be taken over and lead astray.
We need to come to centre again and love despite our differences.