A few of the limited people I know who didn't take the vax and also believed this is a culling have stopped trying to prepare for the future in any way. Early on, during the vax rollout, they were fully motivated to stock up on food and other prepper items that would help survive a collapse. I've spent the last two years acquiring rural land, making a huge garden, and stocking up on lots of food storage.
I talked to both of these individuals recently, and they had both kind of given up on trying to survive a possible collapse. The said they just couldn't keep watching forums like this and seeing the inexorable march of the NWO. It was driving them into deep depressions. They had lost all of the fire they had in our previous conversations. Oddly, they both claimed that they thought everything would work out fine. Both of them had become super religious as well.
I don't know if they had jumped on the Q bandwagon and were "trusting the plan", or if, when faced with insurmountable odds, they turned to religion as the only escape from this nightmare.
Whatever the source for their newfound optimism, I was curious if a lot of other people were reaching burnout levels as well. I am in a higher paying career than either of them, which allowed me to spend more money on prepping than they could. Is their burnout tied to their inability to feasibly prepare for collapse?
I left an open invitation for them to join me when the shit hits the fan, because going solo isn't going to work.
I think those of us in a more fortuitous position to prepare for the collapse need to help our like-minded neighbors and friends whereever we can. We will need each other to weather this storm so when you are buying bulk food storage, get more than you need for your family if you have the means.
I hope all of this prepping has just been a waste of money, and that some miracle appears to save our sorry asses. Maybe they have the right idea with expecting everything to work out. We make our own universes, so I've heard.
One shortcut to prepping well is to go to a country that is developed but at the same time keeps the traditions for growing food and self-sufficiency. Land and housing in those countries are also cheaper. Places like India, Eastern-Europe, South America for example where the knowledge on how to make your own food and conserve it is still alive and the oppressive technology and people that can be mobilised against sovereigns are minimal or non-existent. As a counter example - Australia, China, most of USA - not good places to stay free and independent from the system. Too many people trusting banks and not being able to function without petrol and bank card. I am aware there can be amazing exceptions in all lands, but I personally would feel safe in a less "civilised" country with strong community values and survival skills, the western world in my experience is too divided/atomised with interrupted traditions to be safe (apart from maybe France - those ones seem to stick together).
Being spiritual and following Natural Law is part of being sovereign. Food, water, land independence, reclaiming one's rights and knowing how to defend them requires study of Natural Law which is God's Law. The Satanic peeps are aware of The Law, they probably know it better than the wannabe sovereigns. This way the playing field is levelled. Spiritual development comes with self-sufficiency in my experience. Also, to know oneself and realise what and who one is manifests easier with some guidance (Christ) hence people turn to the most easily available one because it seems to really work in the current situation, probably was meant for these times by design, back up programme. To face what the weak are planning requires complex type of empowerment that does not include only external factors. Both inner and outer preparations are important and should be taken care of. Learning how to defend one's rights from their legal system is also useful.
Totally agree on being united. Thriving is only possible in unity and that is what we want. Only surviving is not good enough at this point.
Staying optimistic and positive, huge importance. Creativity flows easier in high vibing bodies. It gives them mental strength, mind over matter. After all we create our own reality by what we think, say and do.
The priorities if one wants to feel good right now: 5.1. Believe in a higher power that is benevolent and do not get blocked by fear. 5.2. Imagine best case scenario of where you want to be and what you want to do and start dreaming big! 5.3. Find that place and when you go to test it use your heart to decide whether it gives you a feeling of safety. It's like true love. You know when it's right for you. 5.4. Start building the dream without stress, anxiety, impatience. Trust the universe and yourself. Small failures are not tragic, just lessons. 5.5. Live, laugh, love!
We are going to go through this and it will be fun! I just know it! Love you people! The only place where I can really express this is here. So grateful for this community! Thank you!