Yea ask them how they find the r value. Or proof of an axial rotation from earth. Or how can you have air pressure or a vacuum without a container. Why do we even use a sextant to take angular measurements. It wouldnt work on a globe becuse triangles dont have curves.
Zay has to get ZAY gunzz!!! Zay Has to get ZAY GUNZzzzz!!! If dey no get ZEY gunzz they no beez able zo starve out zay populaionzz!!!
You optimists make me sick, I tell you!
space is fake and gay ya big retard
Yea ask them how they find the r value. Or proof of an axial rotation from earth. Or how can you have air pressure or a vacuum without a container. Why do we even use a sextant to take angular measurements. It wouldnt work on a globe becuse triangles dont have curves.
All I want for Christmas is more ammo
Politicians work for me and remain in 1000 yard scopes at all times