Real. Henry Ford talked about how he was Introduced to the protocols et. al by a jew on his way to Europe during WW1. He and other (((philanthropists))) were trying to get a peace talk going, and when they were about halfway across the Atlantic they sat him down and told him about how the world actually worked. He came back and wrote a book and published a newspaper about the jewish world order that he distributed nationwide for free. I remember reading that the publication/distribution costs almost bankrupted the Ford motor company, I can't confirm that though
Real. Henry Ford talked about how he was Introduced to the protocols et. al by a jew on his way to Europe during WW1. He and other (((philanthropists))) were trying to get a peace talk going, and when they were about halfway across the Atlantic they sat him down and told him about how the world actually worked. He came back and wrote a book and published a newspaper about the jewish world order that he distributed nationwide for free. I remember reading that the publication/distribution costs almost bankrupted the Ford motor company, I can't confirm that though