I dont think there is a virus. Early researchers just saw something connected to the cell and called it a virus from what I understand. Could just be the cell expunging waste like a poop. Parasites poop inside us all the time. I think inflammation and parasites are a big factor but no one talks about parasites. Cant have that ivermectin. Not many people in the western world do parasite cleanses.
I dont think there is a virus. Early researchers just saw something connected to the cell and called it a virus from what I understand. Could just be the cell expunging waste like a poop. Parasites poop inside us all the time. I think inflammation and parasites are a big factor but no one talks about parasites. Cant have that ivermectin. Not many people in the western world do parasite cleanses.
Then your streets ahead. Parasites tend to populate during a full moon. So make sure your taking it during that time.
Just like werewolfs https://drjessmd.com/full-moons-and-parasites-the-scientifically-spooky-explanation/