Yeah get your estrogen checked and jump on some Test E. I feel the feminine vibes coming off you considering you'd rather just sit around and do nothing and play World of Warcraft. And who said anything about voting anyway?
A flat earther calling someone a cuck is prime comedy,
Yes exactly. A lot gets lost in translation.
Which English version of the bible is the best/most accurate to read?
Jesus warning people about jews should stay in the bible.
the legal proof jews rewrote the bible at least once
Reminds me of this:
These cocksuckers hate John 8:44 especially.
You can see for yourself what the original Greek translates too:
nice username
It's tongue in cheek since mods got mad I said I like Desantis a few times.
I mean you're a fucking retard if you like trump or desantis
guess i'll vote blue!! Thanks for convincing me.
Wow, someone is on their period. They might need a douche for the cramps.
what a massive cuck you are, here I thought the name was sarcastic
Yeah get your estrogen checked and jump on some Test E. I feel the feminine vibes coming off you considering you'd rather just sit around and do nothing and play World of Warcraft. And who said anything about voting anyway?
A flat earther calling someone a cuck is prime comedy,
you did you fuckin retard
cant even keep your fuckin comments straight
I never said I was voting for either of them. Was calling out your obvious shariablue account.
Here this might help your transition
Only a true cuckold picks fights on internet threads unrelated to the topic.
I recommend injecting in the delt. 1 inch needle works well.
what do you mean? satanists made up the globe.