Yeah but if the act of owning or possession is illegal and a war crime...well that may just stop them being found except by the forces which do evil regardless. But there is no utility to this.....weapons have utility. are so certain that genes do anything....but why???? Huh? Seriously.....seems like a bunch of psyoping going on....since they depend on a lot of supposition
Relax guy. It’s just a gag piece. It’s not for sale. You don’t need to run to big daddy government to save you. It’s just something he tinkered. People make crazy and dangerous shit in their garages for the fun of it all the time. don't understand. He works for the government does plan on using this....and selling it....hence the part about making it impossible to remove....doy
Can we make this illegal? Like why does he get the ability to make these things? what point is this even defensible?
This is less useful than a nuke.....just saying....nukes I can understand more than can we go Iran with him??? Sanctions baby!
I will be the first to say....if you don't test your product personally cannot be sold.
In fact....that's a law I would demand.....if you cannot use your don't deserve to make it or sell it...
> Can we make this illegal?
why? purchasers are self-selecting their own removal from the gene pool. seems like a net win for humanity.
Because you will get strapped into one....against your will... obviously. He works for the military.....morals aren't their strong suits
> Because you will get strapped into one....against your will...
...and making them illegal will totally assure that doesn't happen. just like how gun laws keep guns away from the malicious.
Yeah but if the act of owning or possession is illegal and a war crime...well that may just stop them being found except by the forces which do evil regardless. But there is no utility to this.....weapons have utility. are so certain that genes do anything....but why???? Huh? Seriously.....seems like a bunch of psyoping going on....since they depend on a lot of supposition
Relax guy. It’s just a gag piece. It’s not for sale. You don’t need to run to big daddy government to save you. It’s just something he tinkered. People make crazy and dangerous shit in their garages for the fun of it all the time. don't understand. He works for the government does plan on using this....and selling it....hence the part about making it impossible to remove....doy