Dont forget diet dude. Diet plays a huge part in everything. Yes fluoride, but what is happening to our pineal, to our etheric "self" with all the processed and chemicals we consume?
In my opinion once we start eating more natural. 1-2 steps tops from natures state. We enhance our chances of survival. And also increase our spiritual abilities. Because this alleviates oxidative stresses in the body. Kind of puts us at a more neutral position. For meditations.
Dont forget diet dude. Diet plays a huge part in everything. Yes fluoride, but what is happening to our pineal, to our etheric "self" with all the processed and chemicals we consume?
In my opinion once we start eating more natural. 1-2 steps tops from natures state. We enhance our chances of survival. And also increase our spiritual abilities. Because this alleviates oxidative stresses in the body. Kind of puts us at a more neutral position. For meditations.