Royalty, nobility, and despots aren't tracked at all first off.......they don't have the records made public...they control far too much to be on the books under a single 'family' name....
And they own land worth multiples of those 'richest' families....
This list is just gloating from the rich a out how much they's like them trying to say to the real rich....'look at me....take me seriously!!!'
Their wealth is not measured in fiat...
Lol are you new?
Royalty, nobility, and despots aren't tracked at all first off.......they don't have the records made public...they control far too much to be on the books under a single 'family' name....
And they own land worth multiples of those 'richest' families....
This list is just gloating from the rich a out how much they's like them trying to say to the real rich....'look at me....take me seriously!!!'
There is listed wealth, and unlisted wealth. Don’t fool yourself into thinking the Waltons, Bezos, or Gates are at the top.