. That's quite a confession from you to imply the video I posted is possibly 'FAKE' why would it be 'Fake'?? to debunk Flat Earthers?
You can throw out this video (not mine) One of thousands if not millions randomly posted on Youtube over the years because Sunrises and Moonrises are awesome to witness and regular blue collar folks just post on youtube that don;t even know people still exist that believe the Earth is Flat.. But The video I chose 'MIGHT BE FAKED' you say??
Quite a confession from you that YOU DONT GET OUT MUCH
No, lets not bring in 'lots of people' as it is incredibly easy to make fake accounts on this site claiming to be other people .. NO I'm not clear. THE SUN AND MOON are obscured by the Horizon because the Earth is curved and you got owned by this simple example and can't seem to handle it.
. That's quite a confession from you to imply the video I posted is possibly 'FAKE' why would it be 'Fake'?? to debunk Flat Earthers?
You can throw out this video (not mine) One of thousands if not millions randomly posted on Youtube over the years because Sunrises and Moonrises are awesome to witness and regular blue collar folks just post on youtube that don;t even know people still exist that believe the Earth is Flat.. But The video I chose 'MIGHT BE FAKED' you say??
Quite a confession from you that YOU DONT GET OUT MUCH
No, lets not bring in 'lots of people' as it is incredibly easy to make fake accounts on this site claiming to be other people .. NO I'm not clear. THE SUN AND MOON are obscured by the Horizon because the Earth is curved and you got owned by this simple example and can't seem to handle it.
Not Ego , simple observation 2+2 = 4 level observation. I'm very much into conspiracies.. Flat Earth is no conspiracy, it is an easily proven HOAX.