I suspect the global elite are using the recent real estate Ponzi-rooted crash to take control in China. If they overthrow Xi, they can institute an even harsher 'people's republic' Communist regime.
The elite want Russia to face even more enemies. Putin is the Russian match to Trump, an opponent of the globalist takeover. To achieve the Great Reset, the elite need to take down the US, box in Russia, and take over China. This is all because the globalists need to dominate all banking systems everywhere.
I suspect the global elite are using the recent real estate Ponzi-rooted crash to take control in China. If they overthrow Xi, they can institute an even harsher 'people's republic' Communist regime.
The elite want Russia to face even more enemies. Putin is the Russian match to Trump, an opponent of the globalist takeover. To achieve the Great Reset, the elite need to take down the US, box in Russia, and take over China. This is all because the globalists need to dominate all banking systems everywhere.