I saw a post[1] and it reminded me of something I've thought about a few times. Imagine the ordinary flu vaccine, aside from the known problems it causes, is the ultimate cause of death in most people who take annual flu vaccines, and that most of those people would otherwise live to 90+ years old.
There have been so many interviews with 90+ year old people where, when asked how they lived to be so old and still healthy, etc., and the self-reported reason is always some naturopathic sounding trope, like "I drank water and got lots of sunshine", etc. Never once have I ever heard some 90+ year old say "the high tech medical industry helped me..." or "I took every vaccine", or any horseshit like that.
Imagine the flu vaccine was a lottery of random time bombs with random-length fuses, as a means of population control. Imagine the COVID poison is just the ramp-up period.
Side note: my grandpa lived to be 94 - no vaccines and very little medical care, smoked for 40+ years until he had a minor heart attack in his 60s and the doctor told him "if you don't quit smoking, you'll be dead in less than a year"; prob just a fear tactic to get him to quit. He did quit, that day. In his early 70s he became one of those people that drank red wine "because it's good for their heart". He drank red wine every single day. The point of this is: what if cigarettes didn't almost kill him and red wine didn't save him; what if he simply lived a natural lifespan because he didn't "science" his blood with various injectables.
I have a similar theory. What are vaccines REALLY except poison? Great post and brainstorming. I will never go to a doctor again unless im unconscious and can't say no. They only know what the AMA wants them to know. Ive spoken with two about kratom (ground up leaves of a tree, no more no less) and one had never heard of it and one thought it was "research chemicals."
If they kept quarters (of a kilo) in their office to give the addicts who come in to get pills (BECAUSE THEY ARE SICK, NOT TO GET HIGH. I did this MANY times in my formative years, and sometimes IT PAID OFF!) they could actually help people. The thing about opiate addiction is that you get sick of the heroin, but if you don't do it, you get rreally sick. As far as i knew then, only opioids made you well, so there was always that hunt for opioids. Come to find out, there is ONE MORE THING that works really well....saved my life, and it can save many many more, if all of the docs weren't sponsored by Suboxone.
Thanks man, I'm glad you liked the post.
It's inspiring to hear about your recovery from opioids. I have a family member who was addicted and has been taking Suboxone for, IIRC, 8 years now. At first I thought it was a life saver; not I think it's horseshit - he definitely gets some kind of small high from it also (he calls it a mild euphoria). Either way, I'm like "wait, so the plan is to take this shit forever or something?" I've tried convincing him to ween himself off of it, but it's like telling a smoker to quit; they're not going to. One addiction (opioids) for another (Suboxone)...
BTW, same exact feeling about doctors. They are complete trash, and after 2020 I went from barely trusting them to "I'd rather do my own surgery on myself, risking passing out and bleeding out, than go into one their dungeons of doom.