A long time ago, I heard an interview with one each ex-CIA, ex-FBI, and ex-DEA. The CIA guy mentioned that new trainees spend the first couple of years doing nothing other than receiving indoctrination on how vital their work is, how only the most talented were capable of it, how patriotic they were for doing it, etc. And I think we can rest assured that anyone who didn't enthusiastically guzzle the Flavor Aid was asked if they wouldn't he happier pursuing other employment.
Interesting side note: Miles Mathis has argued that the Harry Potter series is directed at mentally conditioning prospective future case officers. Think about the students at Hogwarts: they're told how vital their work is, how only the most talented were capable of it, how special they were for doing it, etc. Why, those silly muggles would all be dead from dangers they aren't even aware of if it weren't for magical people!
The most important aspects of their training, of course, are never to divulge their activities to any outsiders, and to always follow the instructions of the leadership. You want to be Harry Potter too, don't you?
>Harry Potter series is directed at mentally conditioning prospective future case officers
that makes too much sense. these people play the long game and us on the outside really have no idea what secrets MKUltra divulged about human consciousness.
The main thesis is that J.K. Rowling is a fake Intelligence creation with a made-up backstory. The original reply is speculation on why they would bother with suck a thing.
A long time ago, I heard an interview with one each ex-CIA, ex-FBI, and ex-DEA. The CIA guy mentioned that new trainees spend the first couple of years doing nothing other than receiving indoctrination on how vital their work is, how only the most talented were capable of it, how patriotic they were for doing it, etc. And I think we can rest assured that anyone who didn't enthusiastically guzzle the Flavor Aid was asked if they wouldn't he happier pursuing other employment.
Interesting side note: Miles Mathis has argued that the Harry Potter series is directed at mentally conditioning prospective future case officers. Think about the students at Hogwarts: they're told how vital their work is, how only the most talented were capable of it, how special they were for doing it, etc. Why, those silly muggles would all be dead from dangers they aren't even aware of if it weren't for magical people!
The most important aspects of their training, of course, are never to divulge their activities to any outsiders, and to always follow the instructions of the leadership. You want to be Harry Potter too, don't you?
>Harry Potter series is directed at mentally conditioning prospective future case officers
that makes too much sense. these people play the long game and us on the outside really have no idea what secrets MKUltra divulged about human consciousness.
Just so.
If anyone is interested, here's the source: The Great Harry Potter Hoax (15-page PDF)
The main thesis is that J.K. Rowling is a fake Intelligence creation with a made-up backstory. The original reply is speculation on why they would bother with suck a thing.