posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +7 / -0

I'm sure people have heard this before in conspiracy forums but I found out how it works and the Government knows too. They use our ignorance to make us project the World we see today.

The universe is happening inside the mind. Think of it as a collective dream.

The universe is almost like a machine but I believe it was designed by an intelligent Source. The universe is an input machine. Whatever we input, it mirrors in real life.

Our thoughts basically transform from thoughts to undetectable energy to detectable energy and form before us but not usually instantly. The more offbeat our thoughts, the longer it takes to appear.

Collectively, we also manifest stuff in the big picture like politics, physics, ect.. The projections appear physical but they are just formed by our mind. Our thoughts become energy and matter is 99% empty space. It's just a bunch of particles moving so fast that they appear solid. All energy is made form similar particles.

With this being said, I believe the Deep State knows about this due to their connection to older species who already figured it out. Humans are considered very young compared to other ET species. Therefore, the bully ETs simply took advantage of our ignorance. They manipulated us into projecting the world we see today by pouring our minds with nonstop media negativity. The negative thoughts then erupt in our individual lives by us and our collective lives by the collective.

For example, anger inducing media can produce anger which then produces an enraging experience. Horror movies produce fear which then produce a frightening experience. On the collective, mass fear can produce a terrible tyrant. Step one to fight this is to turn off all media (TV and radio). Internet is ok but be careful. Try to stick to normal user generated content. It's much less toxic.

Also, the negativity in media isn't meant to be consumed by the mind. It's like eating nails is not supposed to be done by the body. It causes damage to it.

There are studies that show collective meditation reduce crime. This is because the mind improves during meditation and then produces a positive vibe.

Tesla knew about this when he spoke about vibration, frequency and energy. The frequency coming out of our thoughts can be high and fast or low and slow. Low and slow vibes are like hate or fear. High vibes are love, hope, joy, ect... Those cell phone towers can shoot out these waves to effect the minds of the masses but we can ultimately override it all with our own mind if we are very aware and somewhat skilled.

The Deep State knows this is extremely important because they can only exist in a world with low vibes so they wanted to hold our vibe down for the longest time. They did but we finally reached a point of quickened growth. They are trying to slow it down with fluoride, poison, ect.... but they cannot stop it. Eventually we will reach a turning point where our vibe rises so high that it causes them to fall apart which is exactly what is happening but it takes time. The Covid fiasco had 1 good side effect. The people were acting very nice to each other since they thought they were going to die. That raised the collective vibe pretty well from where it was but we can go higher and higher without reaching the end more or less.

The whole Saturn/Moon wave that is hitting Earth probably has a lot to do with this but I'm trying to figure it out. I believe the moon has computers inside and that it is a metal object used to alter the speed of our Earth's rotation and do some other stuff but I'm still digging it up. Saturn's North pole has a created hexagram and the rings might acts as wave emitters. Saturn is a tricky nut to crack but People are figuring it out slowly.