September 2019 - January 2020 was the time when many, many people were coming down with "the worst flu they ever had". Even some fit, young, healthy people had to go to the hospital. This was long before the vast majority of Americans, including myself, had ever even heard that Wuhan was a city in China.
Yep. The FED shot their wad. The entire wad. Wheels and steering wheel have come off.
When all else fails, they take us to war.
The only option they have left.
September 2019 - January 2020 was the time when many, many people were coming down with "the worst flu they ever had". Even some fit, young, healthy people had to go to the hospital. This was long before the vast majority of Americans, including myself, had ever even heard that Wuhan was a city in China.
So the timing seems, uh... quite coincidental..