"Using amyloid fibrils as self-assembling organic semiconductors, or as metal casts to make nanowires in vivo from metals already found inside the body"
"Governments don’t like it when people talk about this new paradigm of cognitive warfare. It has been rather deliberately kept out of the mainstream media"
"New World Order want to have people’s bodies monitored and manipulated, to make sure they’re incapable of dissent, to manipulate their systems of value, their agency and autonomy."
"this isn’t science fiction. This is reality. They’re really doing this to us."
"This is the story of the century. There should be dozens of investigative journalists digging into the implications of the neuroweapon paradigm and the capacity of modern bionanotechnology to strip human agency and privacy rights away."
Charles Leiber. DARPA.
Yuri Harari, "Humans are now hackable animals."
Corona radiata