posted ago by LeoLittlebook ago by LeoLittlebook +5 / -2


Interstellar anthropologist Yajweh said there are always 12 notes in the musical scale, and always drums. The drums are easily explained as the beating heart of the anthropoid sentient, echoing in his ears. But what are the 12 notes? The beating heart of the cosmos! That is why we measure time with more digits than we have fingers: 60s and 12h. Though we cannot explain it intellectually, we can hear this cosmic truth in our music.

Who taught Egypt such a secret? Indeed, who taught the Dogon of Sirius? Uncertainty is an expensive gift from the Heavens, o reader, so proceed with the benefit of doubt. It exercises the soul.

Numerology 101

Infantile language

First I want to manage expectations: Universal numerology is very vague. How vague? Well, here's a comparably vague language you may not know about: baby talk. Yes, they all talk the same at birth.

Human numerology is a proud and ancient discipline with many tomes full of arcane wisdom. I've read precisely none of them. I just want to know why the baby is crying, OK? It has 5 words, and I want to know what they mean. That is the extent of my interest in the subject.

Fingers and flippers

Every child begins by counting on his fingers. Thus a species naturally thinks quantitatively in terms of how many fingers it has. Humans have 10 fingers, therefore we think in base 10.

However, the number of fingers a species has is arbitrary. Even human history records individuals with six fingers, for example. A six-fingered race would use base-12.

Imagine that digits have a universal spiritual meaning. What would each digit mean?

The key is to think about what is universal to the majority of sapient life forms. Presumably they live on planets, and the terrestrial ones tend to be tetrapodal bipeds, since that is optimal for tool use. For example, polearms are devastating hunting weapons that require an upright posture.

12 is the first superior highly composite number that can plausibly act as a full set of manual digits for a tool-using anthropoid.

6 gives three digits per hand, which is not enough to evolve a flint-knapping technological anthropoid. It is not enough for the constant manual manipulation of the environment that precedes tool use. Earth's primates have five digits. A three-toed configuration evolves in different directions.

(This is not to say that no intelligent aliens have three digits per hand. Only that they probably did not evolve as tool users.)

Thus we can expect technological anthropoids to have between 8 and 14 manual digits. While we cannot speculate on the average number of digits, 12 is the strongest number candidate for the universal number base. It is the only superior highly composite number in the set [8 10 12 14].

Non-prime numbers should be factored and treated as a digit sequence, to avoid making assumptions about number base. Multi-digit numbers should usually be interpreted as single-digit series, except primes and 10 11 12.

Cosmic numerology is a simple vague language that can get infinitely deep, but we just want the basic meanings for everyday use. Recognize patterns, but realize it has to be simple enough to be universally compatible.

Dolphins lack hands, but they can certainly count. It would be interesting to hear the spiritual wisdom they imbue into their numbers, once we figure out how to talk in sonar.

Meanings listed

  • 0: Void, beginning.
  • 1: Unity, alone, hello.
  • 2: Friendship, trust, partners.
  • 3: Father, Mother, Child: Family. Masons like 333 because it implies aristocratic unity.
  • 4: 2*2. Square, stability, balance. Tables are rectangular for a reason.
  • 5: Man has 5 senses. The upright pentagram is a symbol for the tetrapodal form: 4 limbs and a head. It means correct: 5 by 5. The inverted pentagram is thus a sign of evil, Baphomet, Satan. Hanging upside down is eventually fatal.

Prime factorization is an efficient way to conceptualize numbers consistently across varying number bases. Students of standardized tests such as the SAT know that prime factorization is fundamental to mathematical reasoning. Standard and elementary are suitable attributes for a universal communication system. Thus non-primes are analyzed as their prime factorization.

  • 6: 2*3. Trust in flesh, not God. Materialism, imperfection, danger, death. 666 means satanic society. 7-1.
  • 7: Spirit. God the 1 over flesh. The unity above material competition. 777 means holy society.
  • 8: 2*4. Stable partnership generates wealth. Trust in stability can be dangerously complacent. Justice is blind. 8-1=7: Riches can blind one to spiritual matters, but charity clarifies.
  • 9: 3*3. Two generations raise the next. Transition, the next cycle.
  • 10: 2*5. Trust truth. Together humaneness. Walk by faith.

1 0 = Unified ineffable transcendence = God. Zero raises the order of magnitude. Which number is written as "10" depends on the number base.

  • 11: 5+6. Man to flesh. Birth, incarnation.
  • 12: God. 3*4. Stable, eternal Divine Love. Written as 10 in sexagesimal.

Objection: "I don't believe in God."

12 is vague. It does not contain a gender or specify pantheist vs monotheist.

Objection: "I don't believe in spirits either."

If you truly don't believe you have a soul, consider the possible consequences of your belief. Imagine that the dream world is the spirit world, and that belief shapes your reality after you die. What would happen if you couldn't find your own soul? Would you be a miserable intellect, lost and groping in self-inflicted darkness?

Careful what you wish for; you might regret it. Careful what you wish for; you just might get it!

Tarot compared

Listing from Major Arcana | Wikipedia:

  • 0 fits the Fool.
  • 1 fits Magician. Tarot uses humanized tropes, but the deeper meaning is cosmic unity.
  • 2: The High Priestess appears to be a miss. Perhaps the twins (6) should've gone here.
  • 3's strong fertility theme is a hit.
  • 4: the Emperor atop his mountain depicts stark stability.
  • 5 is a hit for Vitruvian man's position between heaven and earth.
  • 6 is a truth obscured: Its secondary meaning is Adam and Eve making the wrong choice.
  • 7 seems to be corrupted by satanic propaganda, usurping the divine and replacing it with the evils of war.
  • 8: Justice is a plausible meaning of 2*4: together stability.
  • 9 appears to be a miss, lacking themes of transition or 3*3 generational progress.
  • 10's wheel of fortune appears to be a corruption of the sunwheel symbol for God, reducing God to materialistic Fortune.

Overall the correspondence is strong, but there are also signs of historical negation. An ignorant people is easily ruled, and false knowledge is the most crippling form of ignorance.

Universal emojis

Even assuming the above numerology is correct, what good is it?

When someone is too far away to shout at, how do you communicate? You wave.

The cosmos contains vast gulfs: psychological, technological, dimensional, mental and spiritual. What communication protocol could possibly bridge them?

Well, telepathy, for one. But that is rather scary to humans. Would you like to hear voices in your head? We label such people insane.

There is no universal Morse code, because there is no universal alphabet. But everyone can count.

Repeating digits are the cosmic equivalent of emojis. A smiley face might mean nothing to an alien. But what about 1111? Sounds like a friendly hello, doesn't it? Hi hi hi hi!

Not scary at all, unless you start seeing 666. That's the Jolly Roger.

Objection: "I don't believe in gematria."

Gematria is adding number values of letters. I know of no universal way to determine the number value of a letter or the spelling of a sound or the name of a person. Perhaps one exists, but the universal language is certainly not English, nor any other known human language.

Numerology is not a recent invention. When humans first explored mathematics, they did not distinguish between the abstract and spiritual.

Angel numbers

Are you afraid of ghosts? What about friendly ones?

What sort of jobs are available in Heaven? How about helping guide your descendants? Who better to do it than grandma?

Grandma has ways to nudge you imperceptibly. Time is relative, and magic is real. All spirits talk with telepathy. Where do your ideas come from? Ever had an argument with yourself?

It is helpful to stay positive, if you want input from positive spirits.

Spiritual contact is more about affinity than distance. Your relatives can reach you more easily than random predators.

Spirit guides can send "angel numbers" as another subtle message. "Angel numbers" are simply repeating digits relevant to your current thoughts and circumstances. The obvious implication here is that spacetime is more manifold and flexible than we currently understand. But those pesky tictacs outflying our air force already demonstrated that.

Normally the numbers one sees are randomly distributed. Manipulation of numbers is statistically detectable and used to prove fraud.

Remain skeptical, and avoid being fooled by randomness. There is a time to apply the Gideon standard of skepticism, especially with regard to potentially life-threatening interpretations.

However, one's life can be enriched by a numerological daily conversation with one's spirit guides, if one allows it. Mostly, it will confirm what one's heart already knows — which is more useful than it sounds.

If all of this sounds unbelievably convoluted, it is nowhere near as convoluted as what it took to put you inside the brain of a screaming baby. The moderators of Earth realm enforce a strict no-spoiler policy. You will just have to wait until your movie ends.

The radiantly-positive Matt Fraser is a legitimate psychic who speaks with the heavenly spirits of the virtuous departed, as they watch over our lives. His explanation of "angel numbers" is good, but non-technical and vague. Read it and you can see how the meanings I deduced match the implications he infers.

Objection: "I don't believe in angels."

"Angel number" is just a term; it doesn't imply actual feathers are involved!

There is nothing inherently avian about repeating digits. The Bible did not invent numbers. If you don't like the cultural connotations of one of the words used, such as "God" or "Satan", replace it with your preferred synonym. Universal numerology is much vaguer than English diction.

Objection: "I don't believe my departed loved ones watch over me."

Ok. That's sad.

Repeating digits

Repeating digits are necessary to prove a pattern is non-random.

Multi-digit numbers are usually interpreted as a series of single digits, because this basic communication protocol lacks punctuation and spacing.

It's like non-verbal gestures. They contain some vague information, but don't overanalyze it.

11 has two 1s, so it means "trust hi". 111 has three, so it means "family hello". 1111 means "secure hello".

If an entity is powerful enough to insert angel numbers into your life, he can also make them relevant to the context of your inner thoughts and emotions. Take the meaning at face value, and go with the flow.

If you're really receiving a message, then a followup message will often clarify confusion and simultaneously remove doubt.

Trust but verify?

If you see "angel numbers" in a statistically improbable coincidence, consider whether it is a gentle nudge from your personal guardian spirits. They are the ones who can talk to you most easily, and are probably your departed family members or loved ones.

Of course, given it's a universal language, it could be anyone, so caveat emptor. Definitely be careful about doing anything occult to seek clarification, as some practices such as Oiuja boards open portals that attract dark spirits. As Matt Fraser says, your guardians don't need a portal to send you messages; it's their job.

The moral character of disembodied spirits varies at least as much as that of living humans. Spying is easy when you're a spirit. So beware of imposters, if you speak with a psychic. A great psychic helps tremendously, but those are rare.

The best defense against dark spirits is a clean conscience, a positive vibe and a visualization of white light.

Higher math

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