The esoteric explanation is astrotheology. The Bible is riddled with it. The summer and winter solstice dates coincide with the zenith of the sun in the summer/winter which is the tropics of Cancer/Capricorn. The sun “dies” during the winter solstice and remains for 3 days at the Tropic of Capricorn latitude until on the 25th of December it will start to rise making its way to the zenith in the northern hemisphere, Tropic of Cancer, on June 21st(Summer solstice) These latitudes effectively divide the Earth a quarter above and 3 quarters below(Cancer latitude) and 3 quarters above 1 quarter below(Capricorn latitude).
Sun/Sol worship was very popular in ancient times. Megalithic sites like Stonehenge(astronomical clock) and New Grange are a few examples.
The esoteric explanation is astrotheology. The Bible is riddled with it. The summer and winter solstice dates coincide with the zenith of the sun in the summer/winter which is the tropics of Cancer/Capricorn. The sun “dies” during the winter solstice and remains for 3 days at the Tropic of Capricorn latitude until on the 25th of December it will start to rise making its way to the zenith in the northern hemisphere, Tropic of Cancer, on June 21st(Summer solstice) These latitudes effectively divide the Earth a quarter above and 3 quarters below(Cancer latitude) and 3 quarters above 1 quarter below(Capricorn latitude).
Sun/Sol worship was very popular in ancient times. Megalithic sites like Stonehenge(astronomical clock) and New Grange are a few examples.