I'm looking to pickup some hard drives and setup a local NAS and start to archive information. I have seen too many things disappear recently and my internet has been getting worse - I am sensing that my ISP is starting to exfiltrate for the government and I have noticed some websites don't load via my ISP but they do via my cell phone and it's consistently dropping out a couple times a day and taking 3-5s for pings.....that is insane..... Anyone have some good suggestions for combinations and good quality at decent prices. Looking for robustness, no subscriptions, and ideally open source where available.
I want expandable options ideally that I can upgrade over time without replacing too much.
The internet has died....i need to gather what I can and back it up. I cannot trust the future any more. I need the data.
Tips appreciated
Yeah that's what I want alongside data. What kind of setup are you using. Just a computer, or do you have a rack? Or NAS?