Didn't know it's been isolated and proven to be real and not something else they call it. You get something they claim is covid, but how? Symptoms are the same as everything else so how? The tests are garbage and not testing for anything specific so those don't work so what's next? Ivermec works for a wide variety of things so can't use that as an indicator either. How do you know you aren't getting spike being shed?. Your health sounds like shit being fat. Get that under control and use this as a wake-up call, but then again fats rarely do and seek that high. Bet you believe in monkey pox being what they are claiming and not vax injuries too. Also horse paste is like $10 and you don't need to see some person to give you permission for the same exact medicine just in different form and then raping hundred of dollars for shit that costs $30 from India which is where the pills you get are made. You might get fewer servings as the tube total goes by weight.
Caught what were colds once last year and that's it in two plus years, and I still don't claim I have what they claim it's covid and will never use their garbage tests. What next, allergies going to be considered as it too?
Also you are defacto denying natural immunity exists so your health is shit of you keep catching it again and again when it give broad robust immunity stains all variants. Once again ivermectin treats many viral illnesses and not just that you claim is covid. Get your health in order because you got AIDs-lite fatty
Didn't know it's been isolated and proven to be real and not something else they call it. You get something they claim is covid, but how? Symptoms are the same as everything else so how? The tests are garbage and not testing for anything specific so those don't work so what's next? Ivermec works for a wide variety of things so can't use that as an indicator either. How do you know you aren't getting spike being shed?. Your health sounds like shit being fat. Get that under control and use this as a wake-up call, but then again fats rarely do and seek that high. Bet you believe in monkey pox being what they are claiming and not vax injuries too. Also horse paste is like $10 and you don't need to see some person to give you permission for the same exact medicine just in different form and then raping hundred of dollars for shit that costs $30 from India which is where the pills you get are made. You might get fewer servings as the tube total goes by weight.
Caught what were colds once last year and that's it in two plus years, and I still don't claim I have what they claim it's covid and will never use their garbage tests. What next, allergies going to be considered as it too?
Also you are defacto denying natural immunity exists so your health is shit of you keep catching it again and again when it give broad robust immunity stains all variants. Once again ivermectin treats many viral illnesses and not just that you claim is covid. Get your health in order because you got AIDs-lite fatty