White House EO is preparing for "future map of responsible digital assets" guaranteed / protected by the US Gov
A failure of current/financial/bank systems will come, perhaps as soon as Oct 9th, 2022, in preparation for this move to Gov sanctioned digital assets (i.e. crashing the current system first aka "problem", in order to present with the new Gov sanctioned blockchain aka "the soluton)
The failure will most likely happen through an EMP attack (deliberate)
It will be blamed on the sun (solar flares) and/or nuclear terrorism ("Putin")
Antidote to this: have assets ready that are tangible and which are not tied to net/electricity/computing
If you live esp. in the US East coast (see the map in the video, towards the end), be prepared for a long outage
Sure, it may not come, this is just guessing on David Martin's part. Caveat emptor.
Dr David Martin guesses:
Sure, it may not come, this is just guessing on David Martin's part. Caveat emptor.
Biden Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/03/09/executive-order-on-ensuring-responsible-development-of-digital-assets/
So he is just updating the target list