But buy from the government-approved weed shop and you know it's real!
And before any dickhead says "hurr durr, you can tell the difference". No. You can't. There are a million version of "weed" now that are not weed, but look and smell EXACTLY like weed. If you don't get that, you probably aren't even smoking the real shit because you're clearly behind the game.
This was done on purpose to destroy the street market.
Destroy the street market and everyone needs to buy it from the government.
One of the many "totally normal coincidences" that just happens to completely benefit the people in power. Shocked face.
The reason these products exist is actually because of marijuana prohibition, and fed legalization of hemp.
These are all gray market inventions derrived from hemp. No one was creating these products in the legal states in the last decade.
No, that's the cover story.
Weed is now like coke and can be cut and faked extremely easily to pull huge profits and rip off anyone not buying from the government.
Go into any Delta 8 dispensary and talk to the staff. They will tell you that there is a major crime wave of Delta being sold at real weed prices or added to real weed to cut bags. What are you going to do, call the cops and tell them you were sold fake weed?
Buy an ounce of Delta for 40 bucks, sell it on the street for $400. This is on purpose. They want people ripping others off. They want to drive people into legal shops so they get the tax money.
This is the deliberate destruction of faith in the street market.
What I said is 100% factual.
What you're saying is that you need better dealers, especially at $400/oz. Sketchy blackmarket shit is the exact reason why legalization is necessary, and is nothing new. People have been selling fake weed since before even California was legalized.
I'm not a fan of any regulation, but you definitely don't want to be smoking black market weed if you don't know where it was sourced. Tons of blackmarket weed now is stuff that didn't pass mold/pesticide/herbicide tests.
Also you can tell most hemp sprayed with D8 from most real weed by appearance, smell and feel.
$400/oz?? Dafuk.
The most I ever paid...was $220/oz ...and that shit was so fucking powerful I couldn't smoke it....I had to buy other shit to smoke instead haha.
One hit and my day was gone + another half day. That stuff....was insane.
Bro, I've been smoking longer than most of you have been alive.
The fake weed people sold back in the day was an utter joke.
It's now IMPOSSIBLE to tell the difference at glance, feel or smell.
Stay in denial if you want but the entire game is now changed.
This will drive people into the government's shops. Period.
You probably haven't been smoking weed as long as I've been alive, but even if, a lot of people have been sucking at things for longer than I've been alive...
It is nowhere near impossible to tell the difference, especially for someone as experienced as you, with the 'I've been smoking for so long I pay $400/oz' experience. Bet it took decades to find that connection.
I'm not saying that blackmarket sketchiness won't drive people to the legal market, I'm saying that the theory you posted on why D8, HHC, etc exists is wrong. If people were selling fake weed 50 years ago, why wouldn't people be selling fake weed now? There isn't any government plot necessary.
I don't agree with this for weed, but CARTS ABSOLUTELY! I don't smoke carts unless they came from the Dispensary. I have a buddy who gets them for me with a card. Who could even speculate what that shit is in BM carts? Lots of times it's backdoored for profit, but lots of other times, it's as you said about pot, filled with gnarly shit that you don't want to consume. I agree that it's a sketchy game that really shouldn't be, but we went through this with alcohol as I recall, and everyone knows who the winner was there, same as now.