After the Buffalo shooting there seemed to be more people noticing and questioning why it was always totally sympathetic, unthreatening soft-targets that were being shot up. No one was shooting up a Fortune500 company hq or a high-end country club or some bar association meeting or a banker's wedding. More people were finding it statistically improbable that the disaffected very rarely attack "the system" itself.
...and then some nut, who seems to have done everything possible beforehand to get caught, goes after Kavanaugh. One of the system's very own gatekeepers. Someone much of the country, certainly the media, isn't naturally sympathetic towards.
One thing that always made me question anything anyone says about these supposed mass shootings is that they always go after children or people in gun free zones that cannot or will not fight back and where no one including the police intend to stop them. Seems more likely they’re a lifetime made for tv production. Especially if this was right wing or even left wing shooter, they wouldn’t logically go after children that have no say even in their own daily lives. They’d go for the people forcing everything on them. It’s so obvious they’re fake or manufactured for a sole purpose. Kids don’t write or pass or sign laws or oversee court hearings or trials. But they need kids mothers to go on the idiot box and tell us why we don’t need an armed population and why we should be comfortable with only criminals owning guns.