After the Buffalo shooting there seemed to be more people noticing and questioning why it was always totally sympathetic, unthreatening soft-targets that were being shot up. No one was shooting up a Fortune500 company hq or a high-end country club or some bar association meeting or a banker's wedding. More people were finding it statistically improbable that the disaffected very rarely attack "the system" itself.
...and then some nut, who seems to have done everything possible beforehand to get caught, goes after Kavanaugh. One of the system's very own gatekeepers. Someone much of the country, certainly the media, isn't naturally sympathetic towards.
Did you see that video of the Buffalo security guard with a car he modified to run on water?
I saw this link posted in conspiracies last night
Stanley Meyer
My work friend and I were just talking about that. If I had that tech, I would freely distribute it far and wide so I didn't get killed. You would be a folk hero for releasing that info and probably never need to buy anything ever again. People getting greedy is how they get killed. Somehow I think it's hydrogen fuel cell tech, and that produces some very toxic stuff at the catalyst. That's something I wouldn't share so freely
Have you heard of GEET?
Not until now. Gives me something new to look into, thank you