the power of gravity holds the vaccum of space from pulling gases from the earths surface?
how strong is the gravity on the molucules that are 50 miles up?
Not as strong as the gravity acting on molecules on the surface of earth
why cant the incredibly perfecly powerful vaccum of space pull those weakly attracted by grvaity molecules? why is there no science that address where gravity stops and where vaccum begins.
To a point, the vacuum does pull those weakly attracted molecules away. These points are where our atmosphere ends
no joke, you've been fooled about round earth your entire life. we all were. earth doesn't curve. its doesnt move. the sun is small. all stuff that we can easily use scientific method to observe and conclude.
There' are a ton of things I observe with my two eyes on a daily basis that would make no sense on a flat earth though. That's where I have the most trouble.
Yeah there's a lot! For example: I facetimed with my brother when he was in China, and I was in the US. For him, it was night. For me, day. If the earth is flat, how is it possible that I can see the sun and he cannot? What makes it go below the horizon?
If you know how the flat earth really works, I'd love to hear your take on it!
Totally understandable your questions of a round earth. I have very similar questions! But the explanations I've gotten for the round earth theory have at least made more sense than the explanations I've gotten on a flat earth.
I think I am confused by your thought on space being a vacuum. As I understand it, it's not a vacuum as it's constantly sucking in, but it is basically an absence of our known atmosphere. It's not as if you just breach the surface of the atmosphere you get sucked away at warp speed.
That's how I've been taught to understand it at least
Not as strong as the gravity acting on molecules on the surface of earth
To a point, the vacuum does pull those weakly attracted molecules away. These points are where our atmosphere ends
There' are a ton of things I observe with my two eyes on a daily basis that would make no sense on a flat earth though. That's where I have the most trouble.
Yeah there's a lot! For example: I facetimed with my brother when he was in China, and I was in the US. For him, it was night. For me, day. If the earth is flat, how is it possible that I can see the sun and he cannot? What makes it go below the horizon?
If you know how the flat earth really works, I'd love to hear your take on it!
Totally understandable your questions of a round earth. I have very similar questions! But the explanations I've gotten for the round earth theory have at least made more sense than the explanations I've gotten on a flat earth.
I think I am confused by your thought on space being a vacuum. As I understand it, it's not a vacuum as it's constantly sucking in, but it is basically an absence of our known atmosphere. It's not as if you just breach the surface of the atmosphere you get sucked away at warp speed.
That's how I've been taught to understand it at least
What about flight patterns? How come a flight from australia to south america is so short?