Birds falling out of sky and still no explanation of Low Hum “phenomenon”.
The only “officials” that “look into it” use humor and call people “conspiracy theorists” to deflect and evade the real issue.
(5)Geeee I wonder what it could beeee?! LOL
Of course man has been experimenting with radio frequencies for decades, but more people will start reporting to hear a “mysterious hum” as more powerful towers are installed.
They call the actual reason “low hum caused by 5G” a “conspiracy theory” so people will be too afraid and dumbed down to question it. Ever stood under a military grade high powered radio tower? Purrs like a gigantic kitten. Now they want to put one in everyone’s front yard.
“5G is dramatically increasing exposures: Since the early 1900s, our exposure to non-native EMFs has been creeping up slowly. However, it’s only been in the last 25 years or so that our exposures have exploded beyond belief.”
Funny thing is, 5G fucking sucks anyway.
testing out verizon 5g. they put a tower in my local area. it's been fucking good so far...
Fascinating. I know I sound like a bot (lol), just really interested in the subject. worked on the prowler/growler ea6b line (vaq), electronic attack warfare. Gold plating (3 ounces?) on the canopy of the plane to protect the pilot’s nuts from radiation.
interesting, thanks for responding.
isn't there something about trumpets sounding in the last days?
I, for one, have tried to repent of this technologically immoral world multiple times even unto personal injury without success. When the flames come, hopefully those who made honest efforts to leave this prison will be shown mercy proportionally.
Also, newer street lights are powered by 5G. Saw a video of an electrical worker open the lamp and a sticker inside said 5G powered. Imagine that new lighting everywhere.
Thank goodness we are in the woods!
Did you get a smart meter? After they installed mine, a wasp nest 15 ft away, died. Like wasp were dead on the back patio and had to be swept up. I think their tech has improved. No one is safe.
Absolutely not. Because I refused Entergy has "forced" me to call in my meter numbers monthly. As if I can't or have a problem doing so.
Meter readers are afraid of my Italian Mastiff. Giggles.