posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +4 / -1

The pinnacle of the Deep State is called the Great White Brotherhood. (White is the color of the robes they wear).

These beings are able to control 3D and some of 4D. They are evil parasites who guide the rest of the Deep State’s 2 wings (dark and light). The dark side of the deep state include villians like Zelensky or Biden. Light side include fake “heroes” like Elon Musk or Kanye West. Of course, all light and dark side are united under their control and pretend to fight each other on stage to trick us into thinking they are fighting for us. The term “dark to light” means the Brotherhood decided to make the world better in some ways just so the human (slaves) don’t revolt. They push their team of fake White Hats who mostly just spread hope porn while improving minuscule things.

This brotherhood isn’t human. They are reptilian most likely as reptilians have access to the 4D dimension where beings like Moloch exist. They occasionally contact diabolical people like Madam Blavatsky who said this about them:

“The Great White Brotherhood is composed of Initiates from all parts of the earth, and these form the invisible government of the earth. The Great White Lodge meets every seven years, and in it each of the schools of occult philosophy are represented. This group is a law-making body deciding with its clearer intelligence the needs of humanity, and seeking to meet these needs in the most efficient manner. During these meetings Beings superior to the Masters themselves are present. The power of the Adepts over the visible and invisible worlds enables them to invoke the forces of Nature to the attainment of any particular end. The Temple of the Great White Lodge, we are told, stands upon an island of Permanent Rock in the heart of the Gobi Desert of Mongolia or Mongolian Tibet” (Manly P. Hall, Special Class in Secret Doctrine in Appreciation of H.P.B. (Madame Blavatsky), Manuscript Series No. 36).”

As you can see she speaks highly of them because they are of the same cult.

Think of the GWB as Vince McMann and almost every single person in the public eye from Hollywood to Politicians as WWE wrestlers. This Satanic cult does have People within who support us and want the best for us but the power wielders within refuse to change. Some of them go rogue and really try to help like JFK or Lincoln.