Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Vladdie thought he could take Ukraine in 72 hours and all his shills were already celebrating. Look who's laughing now.
He's just one of the line items in that aid package. What would it be under... countermisinformation? strategic information deployment? Hilarious that it's just some twit being a twit
So in other words: the US is now at war with Russia using foreign fighters
jews are making white people kill themselves in war. Same as both the world wars
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Vladdie thought he could take Ukraine in 72 hours and all his shills were already celebrating. Look who's laughing now.
Moron, i just can’t understand your purpose. Is it money? Is it for the lulz? Are you a bot?
He's just one of the line items in that aid package. What would it be under... countermisinformation? strategic information deployment? Hilarious that it's just some twit being a twit