It's important! 0.00074 % of all production crews have died of covid on the job. So we need to aid 8 equal opportunity LGBTQ minority union employees to the crews at time and a half overtime. Plus there must be a bottle of BLM beer in at least one scene and an obligatory line in the script: "It's all the fault of the white supremacists, Detective Kujinimba! Gosh this BLM beer is refreshing!"
Did I mention, fuck Hollywood? No? Fuck Hollywood. And screw Disney before it adds transgender Princesses, Tinkerdrag, gay genies, and Pedobear. Remember, kids: spread covid in the parks by wiping virus boogers on all handrails.
It's important! 0.00074 % of all production crews have died of covid on the job. So we need to aid 8 equal opportunity LGBTQ minority union employees to the crews at time and a half overtime. Plus there must be a bottle of BLM beer in at least one scene and an obligatory line in the script: "It's all the fault of the white supremacists, Detective Kujinimba! Gosh this BLM beer is refreshing!"
Did I mention, fuck Hollywood? No? Fuck Hollywood. And screw Disney before it adds transgender Princesses, Tinkerdrag, gay genies, and Pedobear. Remember, kids: spread covid in the parks by wiping virus boogers on all handrails.