To see how psychological manipulation works, you have to look for what's not there but should be. Notice no one says, "Well, everyone here agrees pedophilia is not a problem, therefore...." But the entirety of the ensuing conversation, and this enabler's entire book, is based on exactly that undeclared premise.
As the discussion progresses, the overt aspect reinforces the idea that rEpUbLiCaNs ArE cRaZy!, But the more insidious covert aspect subconsciously cements the idea that the level of pedophilia is not a cause for concern, and even that pedophilia is per se not a problem.
Look at these articulate, well-dressed individuals: they speak in calm tones and show no concern. They're on TV, for crying out loud! How could pedophilia possibly be a problem? Those Republicans, there's your problem.
To see how psychological manipulation works, you have to look for what's not there but should be. Notice no one says, "Well, everyone here agrees pedophilia is not a problem, therefore...." But the entirety of the ensuing conversation, and this enabler's entire book, is based on exactly that undeclared premise.
As the discussion progresses, the overt aspect reinforces the idea that rEpUbLiCaNs ArE cRaZy!, But the more insidious covert aspect subconsciously cements the idea that the level of pedophilia is not a cause for concern, and even that pedophilia is per se not a problem.
Look at these articulate, well-dressed individuals: they speak in calm tones and show no concern. They're on TV, for crying out loud! How could pedophilia possibly be a problem? Those Republicans, there's your problem.