Boy, "the jews" sure are whooping white peoples asses.
They're in control of the media, banking, Hollywood, the news, real estate, entertainment... all while making up less than 2 tenths of 1 percent of the global population.
White Supremacists really need to change their name to White Mediocritists.
ex fucking cuse me???
this country is fucking lost. we need to balkanize soon, or all is lost
The jews took the whole West side. We must take the whole East side and remove them from New York.
Boy, "the jews" sure are whooping white peoples asses.
They're in control of the media, banking, Hollywood, the news, real estate, entertainment... all while making up less than 2 tenths of 1 percent of the global population.
White Supremacists really need to change their name to White Mediocritists.
Why the quotes?
Jews took control of insitutions early and never let go. Has nothing to do with "white supremacists".