Laughable people have this great big misconception about what that presidency did and what it caused. Love these shill pieces. Simple partisan politics. Because somebody and we'll call him uncle Sam will do it differently. It fools the voters who still believe in Santa. Santa promises how different it will be. But nothing you voted for happens. You just pay more taxes. Those taxes are a complete scam and they are always paying somebody else. Must care about the Ukrainians, haha fooled you into buying 300% increases on Gas. Must care about the COVID grannies, they cost your jobs but care more about somebody else because black lives matter more. I mean seriously. There's only more taxes. Nothing different.
If you actually wanted to debate arming them sanctioning and whatever. Sure. He might have stopped the purposed no fly zone in Syria. He didn't bugle Afghanistan. Naively what changed? Policy didn't.
TPTB have always been after Urasia. Ukraine is the doorstep.
Trump didn't, stop it. Oh no.
Laughable people have this great big misconception about what that presidency did and what it caused. Love these shill pieces. Simple partisan politics. Because somebody and we'll call him uncle Sam will do it differently. It fools the voters who still believe in Santa. Santa promises how different it will be. But nothing you voted for happens. You just pay more taxes. Those taxes are a complete scam and they are always paying somebody else. Must care about the Ukrainians, haha fooled you into buying 300% increases on Gas. Must care about the COVID grannies, they cost your jobs but care more about somebody else because black lives matter more. I mean seriously. There's only more taxes. Nothing different.
If you actually wanted to debate arming them sanctioning and whatever. Sure. He might have stopped the purposed no fly zone in Syria. He didn't bugle Afghanistan. Naively what changed? Policy didn't.