This war is completely fake. Its being pushed by the same new world order that has been in control for many centuries, conning the masses like you and I. God? Which one? Did you fall into their abrahamic do nothing bc jesus saves opiate religion? Or did you fall to another made up religion used to control the masses. Their may be a God, but if so it cares NOT for the people. And all these years of abuse on humanity should have proved that to you.
This war is completely fake. Its being pushed by the same new world order that has been in control for many centuries, conning the masses like you and I. God? Which one? Did you fall into their abrahamic do nothing bc jesus saves opiate religion? Or did you fall to another made up religion used to control the masses. Their may be a God, but if so it cares NOT for the people. And all these years of abuse on humanity should have proved that to you.