posted ago by dontkillmehillary ago by dontkillmehillary +12 / -3

Get ready for a long-ass u/dontkillmehillary post, because this one is a doosey!

Let’s have a look a Nazism in Ukraine.

Following annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014, Ukraine held a general election in May of 2014. Resulting from this election, at least 20% of Ukrainian parliamentary seats were held by radical Ukrainian supremist politicians through the All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland" party, and Radical Party of Oleh Liashko. These parties held 39 seats in Ukrainian government. The penetration of Nazism might be larger, as many seats held in Ukraine were also held by “independants”.

Since the Ukrainian 2019, there still remains Svoboda, the Radical Party of Oleh Liashko, The Peoples Front (formerly the All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland), and the Right Sector who are recognized and involved in Ukrainian politics.

Involved in paramilitary activities in Ukraine, since 2014, remains Azov Battalion , the police detachment Dnipro-1, And a unit trained by the Ukrainian military academy, with assistance from America is Centuria.

Considering the infiltration into Ukrainian politics, you would assume that maybe Western Europe and America might be a little sensitive to the topic, what with them having expended thousands and thousands of lives attempting to extinguish this ideology. Except that doesn’t seem to be what has happened…

It appears that Western nations including France, the UK, Canada, the US, Germany, and Poland have aided these Nazi paramilitary groups.

Additionally, in December of 2020 the General Assembly of United Nations proposed a resolution on “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”. Voting directly against this resolution was the USA and surprise surprise…. Ukraine. There were also 51 countries who were in attendance but abstained from voting, and these included Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, and pretty much every other country that was steam-rolled by Nazi blitzkrieg in the 1940s.

It’s being argued that Ukraine has overcome its Nazi ties as proven by the election of Ukraine’s Jewish President Zelenskyy. The problem here is that Zelenskyy was elected in 2019, and now in 2022 we see Azov Battalions strength estimated at 2500 members and growing. Zelenskyy has either ignored Azov, or possibly actively endorsed them for some oddball reason. Likewise, the Ukrainian people have ignored the stink of Nazism infesting their military and police force. There has been no protests or international appeals to help rid the country of National Socialism.

Another prominent Jew supporting Russia is George Soros. He has recently voiced enthusiastic support for Ukraine, in spite of the nations support, training, and payment of the aforementioned Nazi organizations. Of course this is no surprise, because as a youth Soros helped Nazis arrest Hungarian Jews – a crime which Soros himself told 60 Minutes he has no regrets participating in.

It’s looking like Putin’s drive to “de-Nazify” Ukraine may actually be focused on a legitimate problem in the country. To our shame, Europe and America have helped entrench National Socialism deeper into the Ukrainian consciousness.

So when you see your friends gleefully “Standing with Ukraine” you may want to let them know that Standing with Ukraine includes standing with a fuck ton of Nazis…. And none of them are truckers.