The kind of cancer HPV gives you (like 36 kinds) is basically a skin cancer that is easily rectified when found with cryogenic freezing. It's not pleasant, but it is an outpatient procedure on a slow growth cancer type. For sexually active people not in a long-term monogamous relationship one should be getting a yearly checkup anyways to catch it (annual pap). After in a monogamous relationship, it's still possible to trigger up to two decades after infection (and you wouldn't even know it, this is the STD you truly can get from a toilet seat). That's why obgyns recommend those women get a pap every 3 years. Of course, if a wart shows up on your junk you should go get it fixed, some doctors say it's just cosmetic for men, but OTC wart-off will solve the problem with about two weeks of tenderness. Point being, don't take the Gardasil shot or give it to your kids, it's not as life and death as the pharma-shills make it out to be. Once again the vaccine injury risk is higher than the disease risk.
A couple of additional points:
The kind of cancer HPV gives you (like 36 kinds) is basically a skin cancer that is easily rectified when found with cryogenic freezing. It's not pleasant, but it is an outpatient procedure on a slow growth cancer type. For sexually active people not in a long-term monogamous relationship one should be getting a yearly checkup anyways to catch it (annual pap). After in a monogamous relationship, it's still possible to trigger up to two decades after infection (and you wouldn't even know it, this is the STD you truly can get from a toilet seat). That's why obgyns recommend those women get a pap every 3 years. Of course, if a wart shows up on your junk you should go get it fixed, some doctors say it's just cosmetic for men, but OTC wart-off will solve the problem with about two weeks of tenderness. Point being, don't take the Gardasil shot or give it to your kids, it's not as life and death as the pharma-shills make it out to be. Once again the vaccine injury risk is higher than the disease risk.