Don’t fire until being fired upon, the collapse of this nWo may happen while we just sit back and watch them fight each other. The nwo is just an elitist managerial class plagued with infighting and multiple groups with varying interest.
If they (blue hats, commies, etc) come to get you to put you in a “safe place for only two weeks”
Fucking blast. That’s Polpot shit.
When they come out to the country to take people into the cities, fight back. If you’re still inside the city, fucking burn it to the ground
They are just the psy-army. The army-army will destroy them first. They are useful idiots who will run into their arms, screaming things about how they were “social justice warriors.”
...and the useful idiots with their Gundam models and che’ tee-shirts will be lined up and shot.
H.) all the above
Don’t fire until being fired upon, the collapse of this nWo may happen while we just sit back and watch them fight each other. The nwo is just an elitist managerial class plagued with infighting and multiple groups with varying interest.
If they (blue hats, commies, etc) come to get you to put you in a “safe place for only two weeks” Fucking blast. That’s Polpot shit. When they come out to the country to take people into the cities, fight back. If you’re still inside the city, fucking burn it to the ground
They are just the psy-army. The army-army will destroy them first. They are useful idiots who will run into their arms, screaming things about how they were “social justice warriors.”
...and the useful idiots with their Gundam models and che’ tee-shirts will be lined up and shot.
I resent your derogatory use of "gundam models".
Just replace it with k-pop or whatever Akihabaran subculture you wish. Furries, maybe?