Before the suggested word (information) comes perceived sound (inspiration). All languages represent spell-craft suggested by the few to deceive the many to ignore the perceived reality for the suggested fiction. Furthermore all suggested information implies choice (suggestion) to choice (consent) contract law; which represents the inversion of balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law.
As form (life) within flow (inception towards death); one needs to adapt to perceived inspiration (from within spirit); while resisting suggested information (from within form).
In short...all suggested information represents misinformation; all suggested -isms are defined by those suggesting them for those consenting to them; crime represents the contradiction to suggested laws of men; while ignoring perceived laws of nature; the biggest "lie" is that suggested "truth" can exist within perceivable change, and terror (from Latin terreo - "to frighten") implies ignoring that which is (perceived reality) for that which isn't (suggested fiction); which others exploit by suggesting outcomes as -isms (all them hopes and fears).
Person aka per sonos (by sound) implies that those perceiving sound represent a response (resonance or dissonance) within sound. Everything represents an animal (animated) person (by sound); yet the majority is tricked into ignoring the perceived meaning (sound) for the suggested meaning (words).
I would pity you
PITY, noun [compassion; Latin patior, to suffer.] - "the feeling or suffering of one person, excited by the distresses of another".
This represents falling to the temptation (want over need) of EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.]; which ignores that form (life) is moved by flow (inception towards death); hence in need to resist being moved towards death.
Before the suggested word (information) comes perceived sound (inspiration). All languages represent spell-craft suggested by the few to deceive the many to ignore the perceived reality for the suggested fiction. Furthermore all suggested information implies choice (suggestion) to choice (consent) contract law; which represents the inversion of balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law.
As form (life) within flow (inception towards death); one needs to adapt to perceived inspiration (from within spirit); while resisting suggested information (from within form).
In short...all suggested information represents misinformation; all suggested -isms are defined by those suggesting them for those consenting to them; crime represents the contradiction to suggested laws of men; while ignoring perceived laws of nature; the biggest "lie" is that suggested "truth" can exist within perceivable change, and terror (from Latin terreo - "to frighten") implies ignoring that which is (perceived reality) for that which isn't (suggested fiction); which others exploit by suggesting outcomes as -isms (all them hopes and fears).
If you were a person I would pity you
Person aka per sonos (by sound) implies that those perceiving sound represent a response (resonance or dissonance) within sound. Everything represents an animal (animated) person (by sound); yet the majority is tricked into ignoring the perceived meaning (sound) for the suggested meaning (words).
This represents falling to the temptation (want over need) of EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.]; which ignores that form (life) is moved by flow (inception towards death); hence in need to resist being moved towards death.