posted ago by clemaneuverers ago by clemaneuverers +10 / -2

All this attention on Ukraine - US Intelligence says Russia will invade tomorrow morning at 1AM (!) - reminded me of a document I found but never got round to reading.

Specifically it is a collection of articles by a guy called Karl Radl on the topic of the infamous document titled "The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion". At the time when I came across this document (can't remember exactly where) I had just read what I thought to be the definitive explanation of the origins of the Protocols written by two researchers, Kerry Bolton and Peter Myers. Their research put the origin in a Freemason's lodge in Paris.

Glancing through Radl's articles however, I saw that he seemed to disagree with some of their conclusions (he quotes their research) and at the time I wasn't open to seeing their theory pulled apart since it seemed very convincing. However I did remember, and just "re-remembered" yesterday, that Radl says the Protocols were actually found in Ukraine!

So I dug up that PDF and read it, in light of all the Ukrainian happenings (or lack thereof). I'll give a brief summary of it for those interested (and to get it clear in my own head)

First the publication history of the Protocols Radl gives surprised me since there is an earlier version available (in Russian only) that I was not aware of:

  • Late 1901/1902: Original document discovered/written/created. Mikhail Menshikov mentions the existence of the Protocols in 'Novoe Vremya' ('The New Times') in April 1902.
  • 1903: Publication of original Protocols in 'Znamia' ('The Banner') by Pavlov Krushevan in a series of seven installments beginning in September.
  • 1904: Partial republication in the third edition of Ljutostansky's 'Talmud I everi' (cleared for publication by censor on the 3rd November 1903), this includes the first suggestion of a link to Zionism.
  • 1905: Sergei Nilus publishes a longer and heavily-edited version of the Protocols as an appendix to his book about the coming of the Anti-Christ: 'Velikoe v Malom' ('The Great in the Small') in addition to three anonymous editions which are shorter than Krushevan's original that date from this time. Introduction of Freemasonry into and the removal of Old Testament references from the text

It's Sergei Nilius' version that was first translated to English, and Nilius' later testimony that partly lead to the discovery of the Parisian origin.

However Radl investigates the original publication in the Newspaper "Znamia" and in doing so is lead to a Ukranian origin, through following Pavlov Krushevan.

Krushevan was the editor of a newspaper in Kishinev (which was then in Ukraine/Russia but is now capital of little Moldova, very near to Odessa in Ukraine. Odessa was a major center of Zionist activity) and was given the Protocols probably by someone involved in raids on Jewish properties in that city.

In 1903 an infamous Kishinev Pogrom took place against the Jewish population there, sparked off by the apparent Jewish ritual murder of two Christian children, a boy and a girl, in separate incidents.

Krushevan's original publication of the Protocols was less heavily edited and more word-for-word than the later Nilius version (which is adapted and even added to by Nilius) from which the English translation in circulation online comes from.

The copy of the Protocols Krushevan obtained is apparently is riddled with "Ukrainisms" - ie. Ukranian-Russian idiomatic speech, which he faithfully reproduced when he published them in the Saint Petersburg Newspaper. These "Ukrainisms" are eliminated from Nilius later version in favor of "proper" literary Russian.

The reason (Radl speculates) that Krushevan never tried to clarify that the protocols had not come from Paris, as Nilius seemed to believe, was for fear of being tracked down and killed by Zionists from Odessa / Ukraine, who apparently tracked down and killed or imprisoned the Pogrom rioters.

That's just a very brief summary of one aspect of Radl's articles on the Protocols, which appear to have been published over time in the 2010's on his blog "semetic controversies" which is now nuked. Anyone interested can read the full document here:

I just find it very interesting that, if Radl is correct, and his writing and research is convincing, Ukraine appears to be the original place the Protocols were written, and so it is kind of like the birthplace of Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG) - which makes the Democrat/Joe Biden/NATO involvement there, and apparent spurring on of war with Russia over the country/area, all the more intriguing.