When you control the media, the spin, the narrative and the money spigots and have monopoly on violence, there is very little you are afraid of.
What you are afraid of is people just walking away.
And almost nobody is doing that yet.
People are resisting actively, which is playing 100% into their narrative, on their playing field and on their terms.
Make no mistake, they will crush this Convoy movement and they will spin it to their advantage. And 70% will gobble it up like cheap-ass pop-tarts and wash it down with iced kool-aid.
Oh how much ye still have to learn.
When you control the media, the spin, the narrative and the money spigots and have monopoly on violence, there is very little you are afraid of.
What you are afraid of is people just walking away.
And almost nobody is doing that yet.
People are resisting actively, which is playing 100% into their narrative, on their playing field and on their terms.
Make no mistake, they will crush this Convoy movement and they will spin it to their advantage. And 70% will gobble it up like cheap-ass pop-tarts and wash it down with iced kool-aid.
Need it to be a gif where the picture rotates 180 degrees and shows what pedo man is looking at and have that be Chris Hansen