Has been used for like forty years, is classified as important of a drug as asprin and paracetamol, has less side effects than anything you can find at a pharmacy, and has been given at least a couple billion times to cure countless instances of parasite infestation.
And yet the media, and normies were calling it horse dewormer, and suggesting it would make you go blind, a side effect which doesn't even appear to be real.
It got so bad that I did my research, and had two doses of the stuff for a cold and I shit you not I think it helped. And as far as I am aware of, no side effects of any kind.
Absolute bullshit.
Unless covid is the cold, always has been, then it does exist, and ivermectin is effective at curing/treating it , the furin cleavage prob only exists in the vaccine spike genome , the sars genome likely doesn’t exist, but the illness we are told is covid obviously does