Has been used for like forty years, is classified as important of a drug as asprin and paracetamol, has less side effects than anything you can find at a pharmacy, and has been given at least a couple billion times to cure countless instances of parasite infestation.
And yet the media, and normies were calling it horse dewormer, and suggesting it would make you go blind, a side effect which doesn't even appear to be real.
It got so bad that I did my research, and had two doses of the stuff for a cold and I shit you not I think it helped. And as far as I am aware of, no side effects of any kind.
Absolute bullshit.
Normies getting "fooled" assumes normies have a brain where they can consume information and then arriving at their own conclusions, where sometimes they arrive at the wrong conclusion.
All they did was consume opinions, handed down by mainstream garbage. They never even had a chance. Literally bots with program data installed in their heads by the TV.