posted ago by SaviorWord ago by SaviorWord +3 / -4

The Corruption Root Problem Come From Illusion Power Group Organization

Corruption is everywhere. The root of humanity is they cannot able control their body. So you can say almost all adult humans are corrupt beings on this Earth planet. Humans are God but they are living like animals, that’s where the begin of all chaos and troubles in life.

You can blame that, but what is other causes? The answer is the illusion power of group, organization. The more big, more influence of any group/organization, the bigger corrupt is become. The people who in charge using their power to made decision they “want/like”.

If you shutdown all the group/organization on this society, instead only have individual people then we won’t have any corruption left ! If you put that with history, then we won’t have physical war if there was no monarch system.

Because that when all people are equal and no one scare of any others, they will be free ! That’s is 100% sure.

What is the next best solution to remove corruption on our society life? The answer is we have 2 options: – Reduce the power of the group/organization by limit number of people per group/company to a certain number like 100 or 1000 people per group or less than 0.000001% of the population. Or in term of economy, we can have limited individual capitalism. – Give power equally to all people like the 2 layers authority/government structure I have shared few days ago. That’s where no any people have gut to “corrupt/cheat” the rest because everybody can become boss to investigate any kind of corruption.

Little corruption is fine and fun but massive corruption is not the way to go. And this civilization have reach the tipping point, too much corruption.

Best Regard, The Savior