posted ago by BladesLastBottle ago by BladesLastBottle +22 / -1

I reiterate we don't need them anymore. everything they touch is used against us. They wage fake wars under fraudulent pretense then lie to us and say its for peace. in reality there would be no world wars if we had no governments.

each country could back there money how ever the fuck they pleased, no more reliance on the World Bank. tear down these corporate monopolies and open the door for business innovation and free market

we could take back the education system and teach children the skills they should be shown. Fuck me man, imagine what we could do if we had control of what our kids learn.. they're lied to just as much as we are, its to the point were there education has been replaced by subversive social conditioning.

I bet if you have kids, its been you that has taught them the important things. I bet you spend most of the time you have with them deprogramming them. tell me im wrong

without the governments gatekeeping tyrannical rule over education we could make it accessible to all. Anyone could study what ever they want.

People think im talking about some weird commie style country where no one works when i say this. Its the fucking complete opposite fwends. with a free market with endless opportunity and resources like education anyone could do fucking anything they wanted!! its NOT equality of outcome, its equality of RESOURCES. people will work if they are paid well and feel proud of what they do.

really think about this. What has covid taught us? well alot of things , but one thing relevant is that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN EXPERT WHEN ALL WE WERE TAUGHT IS LIES

all these doctors PHDs experts are fucking clueless and no more intelligent then anyone else, and the ones that actually know are part of the problem cus there maliciously deceiving us. Anyone with proper training could anyone one of there jobs. the field has been leveled.

again.. tell me im wrong.

ohh and dont even get me started on the fucking miracles a free and educated populace could achieve in regards to medicine and science. I could write a book about it and never cover half the topic.

we dont need em, they hold us back at best and are a danger to us more often then not.

A random revolving council of citizens with full transparency and open and free discourse from there community could do everything they do plus more.

TLDR our countries are sick with government and we are the only cure.