posted ago by SaviorWord ago by SaviorWord +1 / -3

The Future Energy For Humanity Is Made From The Trees

The future of the energy industry is green, clean energy made from the trees.

Sound fantasy and fiction? But the truth is with certain combination/formula you can make clean energy that can easily replace oil gas.

There is no need for war just because of oil, gas while all nations can produce the clean energy with trees !

Is that just the dream or is possible? It is very easy for me to make that kind of clean energy if I really want to. But hey, I am poor and do not have money or get fund to do that job to “help” humanity!

Do any project or any research on that kind of project or not? I don’t think so.

But I am 100% sure the future energy of humanity is the clean energy made mostly from the trees (with water).

If the woods can turn into charcoal, then it is possible that woods can turn into similar oil petrol liquid, too. It is just matter of time before humanity find the formula !

Everything is possible in life, there is no big dream. If there is a will, there is always the way !

Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha